In case of broken or chipped tooth, patient may need not to rush a clinic unless he is experiencing a great deal of pain or bleeding, but you should contact for an appointment shortly afterward. You should mention that you have a broken tooth so that it can be treated quickly. You will be recommended a proper course of action as per the requirement after a proper evaluation of your case. If it is a small chip, it must be smoothed out. If this is large, composite material can be used to fill the gap.
If you are in severe pain and are bleeding excessively, you are in dental emergency situation. This may also be situation when you have major tooth break or tooth loss. In all cases, you should contact the dentist as early as possible. After this, an appointment would be scheduled immediately with emergency dental specialists and he may advise necessary steps further.
A broken tooth may not always be an emergency, but it is best to have it treated as early as possible. Otherwise, the problems may further exceed if left untreated. Patient may experience further damage to your tooth and mouth.