treatment of peg shaped teeth
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Treatment Options For Peg Shaped Teeth

The most common teeth to erupt in a peg shape, meaning smaller in size and shaped like a v, are the upper lateral incisors. The upper lateral incisors are the two front teeth, one back from the middle. This condition can occur for 1 or both of the lateral incisors. The cause of peg laterals is either from a genetic component, meaning it runs in the family, or an issue during the development of the teeth. Listed below are various treatment options for fixing peg-shaped teeth:

Composite resin bonding

Composite resin bonding involves the process of using filling material to build the peg teeth up to match with the size, shape and colour of surrounding teeth. This is an excellent option for a quick fix that is lower in cost. The downside of composite resin bonding is a shorter life span than veneers or crowns, meaning it may need to be touched up or replaced more frequently.

Image of Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

Veneers are thin, shell-like porcelain facings that get fabricated in a lab specifically to correct shape, colour and alignment issues with teeth. Veneers can change the shape of peg teeth as well as even alter the alignment of them. Veneers are a more permanent, more perfect looking fix, but because of this, they are more expensive.

Dental Crowns

Crowns offer full coverage protection for teeth with decay, fractures or discolorations. Unlike veneers, crowns cover the entire tooth, not just the front. Crowns can be used to cover peg-shaped teeth from all sides. Crowns can also change the size, shape and colour of a peg tooth to match with surrounding teeth. Because crowns are a more permanent solution, just like veneers, they are more expensive.

No Treatment

Some patients may opt for no treatment. Generally, peg-shaped teeth are only an issue in terms of aesthetics and if no treatment is required, can be left as is. Sometimes peg-shaped teeth may pose a question with alignment or have enamel discrepancies, so it is essential to discuss recommendations with your dentist.

If you believe have a peg-shaped tooth and think you may benefit from treatment, or have any questions about them, we encourage you to contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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