What You Need To Know: Oshawa Cavity Filling
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What You Need To Know: Oshawa Cavity Filling

The Oshawa cavity filling is the procedure to restore a patient’s tooth from damage caused by decay or trauma. This can help the patient’s tooth to return to normal function, and prevent further infection.

There are types of materials that are available at the Oshawa dental office that are used in filling teeth. The choice depends on the severity of the tooth fracture or on how much the patient can afford. Amalgam and gold fillings cost more than the composite kind but they’re proven strong and lasting in protecting the tooth.

When do you need an Oshawa cavity filling?

A patient needs an Oshawa cavity filling when there’s decay in the molars or a cracked tooth due to bad sports injury. Bruxism or too much teeth grinding would also cause trauma on the teeth.

Every damage, chip, break or gap in your teeth may be treated with dental fillings. To know if the treatment works for you, visit the Oshawa dental office at once.

Your dentist takes an x-ray of the patient’s teeth structure to locate the affected tooth. He performs this prior to the dental filling to have an accurate diagnosis such as tooth decay.

What to expect during an Oshawa cavity filling?

  1. The dentist numbs the gums surrounding the broken tooth as he starts the Oshawa cavity filling Once the patient is relaxed, the dentist cleans the decayed tooth.
  2. For a few minutes, the dentist will remove the damaged part of the tooth with a dental handpiece. Then, he etches the tooth using a phosphoric acid gel on the space to prepare for adhesion.
  3. Now, it’s time to put in the dental filling and polish it to make the teeth look good as new.

Set up your next dental appointment at the Oshawa dental office for that needed cavity filling.

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